2023 -The year of the Leader

Few thoughts culminated in me writing this article ; This recent WSJ article which talks about employees pushing back extra hours at work ,a conversation with a friend on how she had to ask her team to cut short a year end break and my own anxieties on the year ahead . By all accounts 2023 will be the year of prioritizing projects , doing more work with less people and it is not like 2022 was a holiday in Ibiza at the work place (Remember the song 🙂 )

Given the scenarios sure to unfold , what can we as middle managers do to balance the ship without rocking it either direction is the question i try to answer below . My definition of middle management(MM going forward) is anyone whose primary role is getting the project done(execution) via people in her organization , and fancy expectations of demonstrating leadership/seeing the big picture/building a scalable organization etc are at best distractions reserved for the year end review .

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Below are some of my thoughts on this topic

  1. We as MM need to be transparent and vulnerable to our reports and ask what can we do and what we have to push back . The team could surprise us with their replies and willingness to do more
  2. Be comfortable in having difficult conversations with our bosses . This needs preparation and the following books can help (Reco 1 , Reco 2) . Both these books are classics in this field
  3. Become more emotionally aware of our and others emotions and improve your EQ consciously. Infact i believe becoming more emotionally intelligent is the foundation for difficult conversations .This book can help here .
  4. Investing in your physical and emotional wellbeing on a regular basis is going to be key to survival this year . So not just physical excercise but some mindfulness practice on a regular basis and also lots of drinking water.
  5. Finding the time for 1-1 conversations with our key people where we just listen most of the time creates an organization climate of caring and improves our understanding of their challenges as well ( i have been often very illuminated by these conversations)
  6. Every team or group of people will have some interpersonal issues given the very nature of demanding work we all do . What can i do to find these issues and address the top 2 issues of the team is a key role of a MM.
  7. What can i as a MM do to increase Trust within my organization is another key topic i think often about.
    • We all do this but sometimes life is too busy . How can i recognize and appreciate extra efforts from my team members on priority in a timely fashion?
    • There is always that difficult conversation we wanted to have/need to have with a key person/s in our organization but always felt this is not the time and let me not rock the boat . No better time than a new year to “Eat the Frog” as Brian Tracy would say and have this conversation . Chances are that we are keeping two people guessing by not having the conversation.

    I am sure you will have even more /better ideas or thoughts on this topic . Please do share them in the comments section